
Showing posts from August, 2023


                                              HAS SCIENCE BEEN HACKED?                                                       (for the local newspaper)  During the Covid outbreak a popular statement we heard was, “Follow the science.” However, I heard apparent science claims that seemed to support one side of the argument, and then science claims that seemed to support the other side. I recently read a statement regarding “Follow the science” whereby the guy said rather, “Follow the money.” which may be more accurate than we think. Typically we tend to follow the science that best suits our interests. But isn’t all science just proven facts? We know that math, the laws of...


                         A DEFEN S ELESS GENERATION                                   (for the local newspaper) “ Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.” Proverbs 29:18. In French, “…casts off restraints…” is also translated “ are w ithout brakes.” The Revelation referred to here is the revealed knowledge about God and His Word. He is the Ultimate Motivator and Help for self restraint . Some years ago I was listening to a program on which two Gen X youth workers were being interviewed . They were saying that Gen X has the least faith of any generation of the west . It also has the highest rate of depression and suicides see n in our history . Th is shocking de terioration of stability reveals the utter importance of Biblical faith . In ord...