
Showing posts from April, 2021


                                       ARE WE BEING PRESUMPTUOUS OR CARELESS ?                                   (For the local Newspaper)    Does anyone ask these questions anymore? Has our society become so zombiefied that we just assume everything, believing whoever and whatever is convenient or sounds good without actually giving it serious thought? Have we become so programmed that nothing actually has any meaning? The questions I am referring to are: What is life about? Is there a God? What will happen when I die? Is there such thing as sin, Heaven and Hell? How can we know?     For instance, if you believe in the ascertains of Evolution in its purest form, then all the answers to these questions are “Nothing” and “No”, which by conclusion means that regardless of everything you do, it is meaningless, and ends in death. Now someone might benefit or suffer because of your actions, but that too will end in their death, thus nullifying all personal gain or loss. If what I read w


                                            THE SLIDE INTO SLAVERY                                             (For the local Newspaper)     Our society relishes in the self-assurance of our liberty, but could it be that we are taking our freedoms for granted?        In simplistic terms, slavery requires two ingredients, vulnerability and a master . Slavery also has two images, willful , and forced slavery , but both are still slavery. Slavery has two entrances, indebtedness , and being prevailed upon by force and or by persuasion.   God sent Moses to deliver His people out of forced slavery, and Jesus came to free us from willful slavery.     Let me make it perfectly clear, liberty is not solely the ability to do or get what you want, but is also the freedom to do what is responsible, both on a personal, and also on a social level. Nor is liberty the rejection of authority, but includes appropriate submission to authority, yet is not   the property of any authority except God H