ARE WE BEING PRESUMPTUOUS OR CARELESS?

                                  (For the local Newspaper)

   Does anyone ask these questions anymore? Has our society become so zombiefied that we just assume everything, believing whoever and whatever is convenient or sounds good without actually giving it serious thought? Have we become so programmed that nothing actually has any meaning? The questions I am referring to are: What is life about? Is there a God? What will happen when I die? Is there such thing as sin, Heaven and Hell? How can we know?

   For instance, if you believe in the ascertains of Evolution in its purest form, then all the answers to these questions are “Nothing” and “No”, which by conclusion means that regardless of everything you do, it is meaningless, and ends in death. Now someone might benefit or suffer because of your actions, but that too will end in their death, thus nullifying all personal gain or loss. If what I read was correct, apparently the boys in the Columbine School killings believed that. So if they were right their stories ended there, leaving a lot of hurt people while they themselves are none the worst. But on the other hand, if there is a God, judgement, a Heaven and a Hell, what is happening to their eternal souls right now? Friends, this is not a game! We cannot afford to be wrong. We cannot risk our eternal souls on our whims or opinions, or anyone else’s for that matter. Albert Einstein said that God does not play dice with the universe. Should we be any less diligent with our souls?

  Some say that science has proven that God does not exist. Should I listen to them? Are the assertions of some such infallible conclusions that we would be acting wisely to gamble our eternal souls on them? If God does not submit to the opinions, reasoning, or experiments of man, is that surprising? Do their studies of the natural universe make them experts and more enlightened than everyone else with regards to God and eternity? Are their conclusions absolute truth because they hold a degree and have certain skills? Who of us in this life is that perfect? Why then are not all scientist atheists if all their claims and conclusions are indeed factual and faultless? I have listened to scientists who claim that their studies and discoveries more clearly point to Intelligent design than random chance and coincidence. Are they being ridiculous?

  God does reveal Himself, but be assured, only on His terms. There are two conditions on which the Bible guarantees that He will reveal Himself to us: when we approach Him out of a pure heart; and by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son.

  Let’s cap this off. Have you determined if there is a God? That will answer the question of life. Have you decided if you want to go to Heaven (His home), that will give you direction? How do you remove the sins in your life? Did Jesus Christ (Who paid for those sins) indeed rise from the dead? He is the Answer and the Fulfillment of all these questions. So what will happen to you if you were to die tomorrow? If there is no God, judgement, Heaven or Hell, you have nothing to worry about. Do you feel you can afford to disregard these questions? A popular expression in the world is “Que sera, sera” – which means "What will be, will be." That sounds romantic, and even wise, but if it implies not taking responsibility for your eternal destiny, it is pure foolishness. What will it be for you? Jesus Christ came, died, and rose from the dead so that you can know for certain. Do you really want to Know?


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