
Showing posts from September, 2024


                                                              HE HAS COME "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.       John 1:10   What puzzles many people is the question, if there is a God Who is all-powerful and intelligent, and made us in His image and likeness, why doesn't He show Himself openly? Why all the mystery?  -  GOD HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO US:     THROUGH OBSERVATION    THROUGH REASON    PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS - GOD SPEAKS    ANSWERS TO PRAYERS AND MIRACLES     MESSENGERS SENT FROM GOD AND PROPHETS     G OD HAS SENT MANKIND A LETTER - IT IS CALLED THE BIBLE BUT WHY IS THERE SEPARATION IN THE FIRST PLACE ADDRESSING THE ASSUMED AUTHORITY OF SCIENCE. THE ROAD BACK:   ABRAHAM     GOD SPEAKS, AND THE MINISTRY OF THE PROPHET   THE MINISTRY OF THE PRIEST    THE PROPHETICALLY PROMISED MESSIAH!  HE HAS COME!   GOD HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO US.   Let us look at how, why, and what His final intention is. - THROUGH OBSERVATION - "Fo


                THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST- THE FANTASTIC GOOD NEWS!      Mankind has been striving since the dawn of time to regain contact with God our Maker. Through countless sacrifices, laws, rituals, and regulations, we have been striving to reach out to Him, to hopefully please Him, to connect with Him, and to reconcile with the One with Whom we will have to give account. Often we have convinced ourselves that we have succeeded due to our confidence in our religious traditions, practices, and rituals, but in the end, we find ourselves the same old sinner and no closer to Him than in the beginning. After all, that is the reason for all the striving, to connect with Him and be a godly, holy, person. It is good to be earnest and wholehearted, especially toward God, but something is wrong. We were missing something, and we need God Himself to step in and do what we can not.     God did initiate an amazing connection with a man and a people. The person was a man called Abraham and hi