Connecting With God - Fail Sures
. CONNECTING WITH GOD - FAIL SURES The Lord Jesus Christ came to bridge the Gap between us and God - why then are you not connecting? Before you give yourself over to disillusionment here are some things you might consider: - PRIDE " God Resist the Proud - The proud He knows afar off" James 4:6, Psalm138:6 Is your pride getting in the way ? When we come to God it is imperative that we humble ourselves. The Scriptures say that the universe cannot contain Him, so who are we to exalt ourselves before our Creator? If we attempt to approach Him on the basis of 'how righteous, how holy, how good' we think we are, expect a closed door. "Two men went up into the temple to pray. .." Luke 18:10-14 - IF I REGARD INIQUITY IN MY HEART, the Lord will not hear me." Psalm 66:18 Are you hiding or entertaining sin? The Scriptures say th...