The Forest of Depression

                                                 THE FOREST OF DEPRESSION


Depression can be the by-product of many different sources, and often a combination, including physical issues. This perspective just touches a few.
Have you ever experienced being lost in a forest? You may have wandered off the path, tried breaking a new trail, find a shortcut, or were in pursuit of game. You may have been separated from the main group, or you may have disregarded instruction. These are some things you might have experienced: disorientated, doubtful of your current location and the needful direction. No matter which direction you head out you always come back to the same place. You begin to lose confidence, become increasingly fearful, doubtful, with a growing sensation of vulnerability and isolation, especially as the darkness and cold starts setting in. There may be a temptation to panic, or give up. This experience is scary. The lack of proper nourishment and fatigue compound the stress.
 Relentless and repetitive (tormented) thoughts with endless negative conclusions.  Feelings of and or shame, guilt, failure, confused, self-doubt, fear, hurt, isolated, gloomy, hopeless, helplessness, discouraged, even to the point of quitting and wanting to give up... Not all these are likely to be in play at any one situation, but anyone one of these, let alone any combination, constantly amplified over time, coupled with added stress, fatigue, and unhealthy habits can dangerously spiral into disaster if not arrested. 


  Being depressed is much like being lost and hopeless. If you are struggling with depression you have more than likely taken a wrong direction, followed bad advice, or a bad impulse… and have ended up in what seems to be and impassable quagmire. There are also cases where you have been severely wounded and struggle with much hurt, and perhaps not of any fault of your own, as with child abuse. How long has it been since you have been walking in clarity and freedom?  Jesus said that He is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. What direction are you heading in life? Are your ways His ways? " 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' says the Lord." What are you believing to be right and true? "Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. Take MY yoke upon you, and LEARN of Me; for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
 What kind of life are you living? Jesus said, "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10: 10
 Jesus' direction is always toward Heaven – His Father’s house which is where you and I should be heading, and His nature and Character as described in the Scriptures of the Bible is what you should be following. He heals the broken-hearted Psalm 147:3, and the truth sets you free John 8:32. You can’t get lost following Jesus. Then take time to bring the Light of God’s Word to each of your issues, and forsake every thought and feeling that is leading you away!!! THOU  wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on THEE, because he trusteth in THEE,” Isaiah 26:3-4

Dangers to Avoid: 
 In a forest, especially if lost, an added fearsome situation is falling into a pit, and being pinned under a tree or rock. Be on the alert against these three pitfalls: 

Self Pity – This deadly foe enjoys, in an indulgent fashion, it's state. It would rather continue in its condition rather than pay the price to escape.

Fear – This is a fierce enemy of success and will surround itself with an entourage of excuses rather than rise up to the cause for victory. Faith in our Heavenly Father with Whom nothing is impossible is the life-line that fear refuses to grasp.

Pride – This is the deceitful ally of the soul that refuses correction, constructive criticism, and a truthful rebuke. Consequently it will hold you captive by refusing to learn, change, or get the proper help.

Please note: If you have been badly hurt by someone, especially as a child, and you lack self confidence, feel less and significant, useless, a failure… and those thoughts and feelings continually torment you, cry out to GOD your HEAVENLY FATHER with all your heart and ask HIM to heal and help you. Next, you must forgive those who have hurt you, even if they did so deliberately, and if necessary, safe, and able, confront them. But you must forgive them! This is God's commandment, and by His grace you can. Not only is forgiveness necessary for our own forgiveness, but a complete release of debt to another will help keep the ghost of the past from haunting you.
 - Now these are facts you must accept about yourself:
 1 - You are not perfect! And the good news is, NO ONE IS! Romans 3:10 (except the Lord Himself).
2 - But in CHRIST JESUS, you are cleansed, forgiven, and a new creation 1 Corinthians 6:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17.
3 - you are a child of the CREATOR of the universe, HE is your FATHER, you were created in HIS image and likeness Genesis 1:26-27, and He loves you, He died for you Galatians 2:20, and HE made you special and not less than anyone else. YOU BELONG TO HIM! So the next time the devil tries to fill you with these lies, stand on God’s Word, because that is the truth!!! Now you choose who you will believe and follow!
4 - While under the influence of a depression, most of the thoughts and the feelings you are experiencing are not true if they are conclusions that put you yourself down (and likely so about certain other people too) "Love thinks no evil." 1 Corinthians 13: 5 . Where we are guilty we REPENT/turn from our wrong. As long as we agree with them (things we shouldn't think or do) they will ceaselessly torment us. "Finally , Brothers, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just , whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be an praise, think on these thing." Philippians 4:8


 God Calls us to walk in "Faith, Hope, and LOVE" and "GOD IS LOVE; He that dwells in love dwells in God." 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4:16
 A - Stay busy - Idleness is a breeding ground for self indulgence.
 B - Keep a disciplined time schedule -  Erratic, undisciplined lifestyles destabilizes -This includes regular sleeping time, proper eating habits, work schedule, and even  relax time.
C - Do not isolate yourself - Healthy companionship, friendships, family, helps keep us stable and grounded. Beware of unhealthy associations. They can do more damage in spite of the apparent convenience or enjoyment you may get from their company.
D - Flee from all indulgences - Not only do they further enslave, but they also weaken our ability to rise above our problems, and often are sinful in themselves; drunkenness, drugs, pornography, gambling...
E - Develop a healthy prayer life, Bible reading, and Worship - You will be amazed at the strength, enlightenment, joy, and freedom the Lord Jesus Christ will do in your life if you drawn near to Him. 
F - Reach out in Christ's love to others - You will find healing in yourself as you reach (out with pure motives) to those God may bring to your attention. 
G - Finally, develop a wholehearted thankful attitude - The more we do so, the more we become increasingly aware that God our Heavenly Father's unfailing loving kindness is active in our lives. You will be surprised how much joy and freedom will be released in you.

 - Some of the things we are facing are overwhelming in our eyes. The problem is too big, the apparent pending failure is unbearable, the difficulty seems insurmountable to the point where you may feel we cannot face life. Depending on the type of situation...
 1. If you can WALK AWAY, leave the results to God. If you  are guilty of wrong, ask for forgiveness (especially from Him) accept the consequences, and hide in Jesus.
2. If you cannot walk away, DO YOU BEST, AND LEAVE THE RESULTS TO GOD, then trust Him for the results, and hide in Him. The devil is an expert in painting the picture of hopelessness and making it an insurmountable mountain in our eyes. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!! "All things are possible with GOD." "I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

 - Depression is a deadly foe and a scary giant like Giant Despair in Pilgrim's Progress. There always help and a way out in Christ Jesus. So flee into His arms, embrace His promises, and lose yourself in Him! He loves you SO MUCH!


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