
Showing posts from March, 2018


                                                LOVE, GOODNESS, & TRUTH INDEX: -  PRESUMPTION REGARDING OUR LOVE AND GOODNESS -  SORTING OUT TRUE LOVE FROM NATURAL AFFECTION - FACTS THAT GOD WANTS US TO BE AWARE OF REGARDING LOVE AND GOODNESS - TRUTH AND GOD'S WORD - A MISCONCEPTION CONCERNING HATE - STEPPING OUT IN FAITH TO SHOW LOVE - CONCLUSION PRESUMPTION REGARDING OUR LOVE AND GOODNESS   The truth regarding our self-acclaimed love and goodness we need to face in the light of God's Word. Without addressing the topic of sin, most of us maintain such a firm confidence in our love and motives that we have an underlying assurance in our own goodness. Consequently, we feel secure in our hopes of a good eternal destiny – heaven...


                                                          WHY THE LAWS OF GOD?  INDEX: - INTRODUCING THE LAW OF GOD - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS - EEPERCUSSIONS FOR BREAKING THE LAW - CONCLUSION "Therefore the Law was our school-master to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith ." Galatians 3:24 -  INTRODUCTING THE LAW OF GOD   - God has given us the commandments to declare to us what He calls good and evil, right, wrong, or sin. The laws also reveal the just penalties for such acts. Under the Old Testament He had made marginal provisions for the breaking of some of the commandments. Ultimately they required the shedding of blood - animal sacrifice. “… and...


                     FAITH - DOUBT - UNBELIEF - ATHEISM  INDEX: - UNBELIEF - FRIEND OR FOE - THE PROACTIVE STATES OF BELIEF AND UNBELIEF - THE EMBRACING OF UNBELIEF - EMBRACING OTHER RELIGIONS - EMBRACING ATHEISM - THE CONSENT OF ATHEISM - THE CONDITION OF ATHEISM - CONCLUSION   UNBELIEF– FRIEND OR FOE   When considering unbelief from a Biblical Perspective and on an eternal plain there are a few points that must be considered with extreme caution. In the Bible, God constantly teaches and pleas with us to gain knowledge, understanding, and to use wisdom. HE admonishes us that not believing just anything at face value has a valid place, but that this needs to be qualified. “The simple believe every word, but the prudent man looks well into his going.” Proverbs 14:15, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word wi...

That Mysterious, Controversial Puzzle - FAITH

                 That Mysterious, Controversial Puzzle Called FAITH INDEX: - FAITH IS THE KEY GOD GIVES US TO CONNECT WITH HIM - THE GROUND AND ATMOSPHERE THAT FAITH THRIVES IN - FAITH IS ACTIVATED AND ENGAGED BY.... - FAITH, A SPIRITUAL FUNCTION - BELIEF OR FAITH? - CONCLUSION   “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… But without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him (GOD) .” Hebrews 11:1,6.   In layman's terms, faith is the ability to believe, perceive, grasp, see God.   FAITH IS THE KEY GOD GIVES US TO CONNECT WITH HIM.   Faith is given upon conception along with hope and love ( 1 Corinthians 13:13) as part of the human package, as with all the other tools necessary for existence and survival in this life. But specifically, Faith, Hope, and Love, are critical for fulfilling His purpose for us, and determining our eternal des...

Judgments of God on Nations

                        Judgments of God on Nations INDEX: - EGYPT - THE LAND OF CANAAN - NINEVEH - CONCLUSION       In the Scriptures of the Bible, God gives us a layout of some of His Judgments on nations, the reasons, His methods, and His desired end for that nation.   EGYPT   - If we SHARE the BENEFITS of our nation’s activities, we can be sure we will also REAP the CONSEQUENCES - One of the first nations recorded in the Scriptures on which God exacted judgment was Egypt. God’s prime objective was to liberate His people, His own nation, the Children of Israel. The other objective was to reveal Himself to the nations as the true and living God, and to execute judgments on the pagan gods, which are devils. Deut. 32:16-17, 1 Cor. 10:20, Exodus 9:16, Romans 9:17, Exodus 12:12 Key Verses – “And the Lord said, ‘I have surely seen the affliction ...