FAITH - DOUBT - UNBELIEF - ATHEISM 


  When considering unbelief from a Biblical Perspective and on an eternal plain there are a few points that must be considered with extreme caution. In the Bible, God constantly teaches and pleas with us to gain knowledge, understanding, and to use wisdom. HE admonishes us that not believing just anything at face value has a valid place, but that this needs to be qualified.

“The simple believe every word, but the prudent man looks well into his going.” Proverbs 14:15, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11

  Because of our fallen nature and our limited capacities we are vulnerable to error and deception. What amplifies our condition is the state of our hearts. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 Therefore, because of our imperfect knowledge, biases and often ulterior motives, fallacy can be found in literally every field of human operation and expertise. With this in mind we must be ever so careful what we take in, and what we cast out.

 Doubts are a common struggle within the human conscience for multiple reasons – revealed error, conflicting information, past breaches of trust, unfamiliar territory…, but it usually remains pliable considering its own fallibility in knowledge and judgment. Still, being pliable has advantages and disadvantages. Persuasion by intimidation, deception, compulsion are dangerous in either direction, but having an open mind and heart for the truth is a wise choice.


Both belief  and unbelief are far more pro active. They can be a champion for truth, a barrier against deception, a stalwart of defiance and rebellion, or a captive of ignorance.

 By contrast, belief is a key, and unbelief is a lock. Believing is like unlocking a door and exposing ourselves to something new and unfamiliar (good or bad). On the other hand, unbelief is like closing or keeping a door closed and locked to something different, unfamiliar, or questionable (good or bad). When the key of Faith (belief in God and His Word) is applied, our spirit, our lives, our world are opened to the Majesty on High. Our mind and senses become alerted to His presence, our conscience is awakened to a dimension beyond our physical perception, and our hearts become softened to the human plight of life with both a natural and eternal perspective. In this realm hope flourishes. Contrarily, unbelief closes the door of faith and consequently to everything thus related. Hope becomes a marginal value. With unbelief, unlike doubt, it tends to lock out the concepts in question leaving no room for objective consideration, testimony, or evidence.
NOT BELIEVING EVERYTHING YOU HEAR, however, has an important place too. I am certainly not referring to Faith in God our Creator or the testimony of the Scriptures of the Bible, but there should be a wholesome rejection of ideas and concepts which can lead us into unhealthy pursuits, and or following the crowd mentality. Accepting everything at face value, especially if the propagator(s) is/are held in high regard or intimidating, can be dangerous. This goes for some religious or scientific assertions, social and political reforms, and doubtless other claims. In short, anything that seems to contradict the teachings of the Bible must be carefully scrutinized. Obviously, one must never block out God and His Word; nevertheless, as the Bible says, one must always look well into his going, be careful not to believe every voice, but examine everything in the light of Scriptures of the Bible, the character and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and CONSIDER THE SOURCE!

Belief must correspond to reality and produce the appropriate fruit.
  For instance, we can believe anything we want, but it must be applicable in life and produce the proclaimed results. In other words, a genuine faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and His life, death, burial, and resurrection should result in an actual connection with God as described in the Bible, becoming a new person, and answers to prayer, which are some of the evidences promised in the Bible. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." John 10:27, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it hall be opened to you: For everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 Belief must correspond to truth and reality! A disciple of Jesus should be able to testify to these at some level. They are experiential and Scriptural.

*God cannot be Manipulated This fact is verifiable by both the believer the atheist alike, though for different reasons: The believer by the knowledge of God’s Word, and likely by experience. The unbeliever no doubt after putting God to their test and not getting the results they were looking for (which is likely why they have chosen to not believe). The mere concept of God the Creator would attest to this. We being the created would need to approach the Creator on His terms, not ours.  By  attempting to approach Him in any other manner, we are expecting Him to be subservient to our wishes, manipulations, and demands. Obviously both the believer and the non-believer would thus be in error.


Unbelief is rarely a neutral position, but may be dormant until awakened by an unconsidered alternative. When unbelief is engaged, it is not only the rejecting of something, but is also embracing something else. When it closes the door, it is consequently binding itself to the bounds, freedoms, restrictions, promises, government, conclusions, and the fate of that which has persuaded it. In a sense, it is very similar to Belief. In other words, there is a price to be paid. And from the standpoint of eternal destiny, it is unimaginably high.

Embracing other religions - When someone rejects the Gospel of Jesus Christ in favor of another religion, that individual is bound not only to its values, demands, and related behaviors, but also to its god and the corresponding fate. The payment for their sins that Jesus Christ has made is rejected, and the purchased promise of eternal life forfeited. According to the Bible, they will have to stand before God Almighty as sinners who rejected His gift of grace and the sacrifice of His Son for them. In so doing they are declaring by default that Jesus died for nothing and He is not necessary for their salvation. Their fate depends fully on their own righteousness and goodness. Even if their belief embraces this, the God of the Bible does not, especially after the terrible price Jesus Christ paid for us. This is a terrifying situation since we  all need to be saved from our sins.

Embracing Atheism When an individual embraces atheism something more than an intellectual rejection and consent transpires.

The Consent of Atheism: When atheism is embraced there is an agreement that the information and testimonies presented are in error and unreliable, as likely so is the credibility and competence of the individuals presenting them, (which can be a valid possibility, at least with some individuals).

From an atheistic stand point this would mean that there is absolutely no possibility, and absolutely no truth in the assertion  that GOD IS.

Based on such a conclusion the opposite would have to be true; that all the contradicting arguments, information, and individuals would have to be completely flawless, reliable, unquestionably accurate, and perfect in knowledge.

The Condition of Atheism - There are those who disbelieve on a strictly intellectual basis, and the subsequent behavior and reaction to faith based topics are approached from more of a rational and academic standpoint with little personal bias. Aggressive Atheism in its less pure form produces a condition that is far more hostile and intolerant in its resolved state. Some of its characteristics are:
- Intolerant of question and contradiction of the assertions and beliefs of atheism (many who profess faith are the same)
-Absolutely unable to believe, regardless of the credibility of any individual, information, evidence, or rational presented.
-The inescapable feeling of, ‘I cannot, so it isn’t.
-All hope and counsel relies on the skill, wisdom, knowledge, and ability of man, all of which you know is completely fallible.
-Although there is the convinced mind of not being answerable to an Eternal Authority, yet you are still haunted by moral conviction and accountability.  
-Even with the liberating sensation of being free from religious demands and lifestyle, true freedom is still elusive and inaccessible. Something is missing.
-There is a strange inability to believe or recognize past or present personal experiences that point emphatically to God and His work.

-Hope is only something that has marginal value in this life and is buried with death.

IN CONCLUSION - Faith is a tool given, and if lost is much like losing a vital organ or a limb. Only the grace of God can restore it.

 “And now abides faith, hope, and Love, these three…” 1 Corinthians 13:13.  These three are what God has placed as treasures to lay hold on Him, eternity, and His inexpressible joy!  HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!



  1. If a person wanders down the path of doubt too far, something transpires within them. A door closes , and ability to see, hear, grasp, and perceive eludes them, and they cannot get it back, and that is faith. It is a gift from God, and if we tamper with it we may lose if forever. People may say," What about reason and 'facts'?" Those are God given to, but the interpretation of these and the qualifying of these must be scrutinised in the light of ETERNITY, and the sources considered.


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