WHAT IS EASTER?  (This is an article I wrote for the local Newspaper)

 The celebration of Easter has been a tradition especially in the western hemisphere because of the predominant Christian influence. Nowadays, for perhaps most, it is basically a time off from school and work, and for some an excuse for a special meal and Easter treats. A number of years ago Mel Gibson produced a movie on the Passion of the Christ. It broke records and had huge impact worldwide. Now I personally was very reluctant to go and watch it. I was torn between two concerns. The first was that, although I like his themes, some of his movies are a little too graphic for my taste. On the other hand, I was at the time very involved in the Prison and Young Offender’s Ministry, and knew that I would be asked about it. What cast the deciding vote was when I was reading a post by Mel Gibson requesting prayer because of the fierce opposition he was facing. Furthermore, he also stated why he decided to make the film. He said that he felt that Jesus Christ was not treated with the respect He deserves because people do not know what He had done for us. Mr. Gibson decided to show us. I fully agree. While watching the movie, at one point during the scourging, which was unbelievably brutal, I thought to myself, “He is taking this way too far.” No sooner had that thought passed when this Scripture popped into my mind, “So His appearance was marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men.” Isaiah 52:14 NAS.

  What does all this mean? Jesus was not the only person tortured to death, nor will He be the last. Napoleon Bonaparte said, “It is not the death, but the cause that makes the martyr.” Actually, Jesus was not a Martyr, He is the Saviour of the world, and His type of death was critical in the plan of God. “He was wounded for OUR TRANSGRESSION, HE WAS BRUISED FOR OUR INIQUITIES, THE CHASTISEMENT OF OUR PEACE was upon Him; and by His stripes WE WERE HEALED.” Isaiah 53:5

  People wonder why God is so far away, or impossible to reach. The Bible says that it is our sin that separate us from Him. Jesus Christ, God’s only Begotten Son, the Sinless Lamb, paid for our sins on the cross (He took our place of deserved punishment), but then He rose from the dead three days later. God accepted His sacrifice for us, and through His death on the cross, Jesus conquered sin, death, and the devil for mankind. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
 When we turn our lives to Jesus, that barrier is gone. Now that is what Good Friday and Easter Sunday is about, and a super good reason to celebrate. God loves you so much.


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