(Article for the local paper)
Our History Professor in College was explaining to us that the people in
a country are often looking for what he called, “The Man on Horseback”. Someone who would lead the nation into the prosperity and success that we feel we are worthy of (he did not
actually say all that, but that is what I understood was being implied - right
or wrong).
One leader jokingly told us that one of the
hardest things about being a leader is trying to determine if the people are
following you, or chasing you. A first-nations chief told me that as a leader you are going
to hurt people, and that it is unavoidable. You have to make decisions which
will hurt some, and be pleasing to others.
The great concern we should have regarding our leaders is – where is
he/she leading the nation? Regardless of how charming or promising they are
sounding, we should be keenly aware of where they are taking us? To some people
they may appear to be saviours “Riding on Horseback” and who will deliver to us all the
goodies we feel we ‘rightly’ deserve, But what will be the price? Dear friends, in an
unstable world, where social values and morals are continually being challenged
or cast aside, and where people and even nations are becoming increasingly
unstable, we need to, now more than ever, keep a watchful eye on the direction of
our own lives and on our nation. The Bible teaches us to pray for our leaders
so that we can live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
At eighteen years of age I settled it in my life the Leader I choose to follow. Unlike
other leaders, He came in riding on a donkey. He did not come to conquer or
kick out the oppressors, to punish the wrongdoers, or to overthrow the corrupt
leaders. He did not come preaching defiance, rebellion, or conquest. He came to
bring healing, forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation, truth, and love… love
for God, and love for one another. Then He laid down His life in payment for
our sins and rose from the dead three days later – Jesus Christ the only
begotten Son of God. If not only our leaders, but we ourselves followed such a
Leader, what would our nation be like?
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