Imagine that you received a personal invitation to a royal
wedding, all expenses paid, everything covered. How would you regard that
invitation? What kind of preparations would you make? What kind of arrangements
would you need in order not to miss such a momentous event? Would you care?
Would you have better things to do? Are you unimpressed? Jesus left us a
parable regarding this very thing, and it would seem that life and people
haven’t changed. He went on to say that our invitation to the Kingdom of God is
like a king who prepared a wedding feast for his son and sent messengers to
call those that were invited, but they were unwilling to come. They each asked
to be excused for various yet practical reasons. Apparently they were all too
busy and preoccupied to break their life’s pace to be bothered with the
inconvenience of making the preparations needed to attend the king’s son’s
wedding feast.
What about us today? Each one of us has been
issued an invitation into the Kingdom of God through His Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ. And that invitation came at an unimaginable price. Jesus paid for it
with His blood on the cross. Dear friends, we will not simply waltz into His
Heavenly Kingdom because we think we are basically good people and we deserve
it. How presumptuous is it to assume that we can take lightly the sacrifice of
the Son of God and then expect that the invitation is still open to us? All the
cares and concerns of life, valid as they may be, should never overshadow our
need to get right with God by having our sins forgiven through faith in the
sacrifice of His Son. Therefore, as the writer of Hebrews expressed, “…let us
lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, an let us
run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author
and Finisher of our Faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of
So let us take the invitation of God seriously
and not miss the narrow gate to His Heavenly Kingdom through which we all are
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