"For the Word of God is quick(living) and powerful, and sharper that any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name." Psalm 103:1
"And Jesus answered him, 'The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is One Lord: and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your SOUL, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." Mark 12:29-30
"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that call you, Who also will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Without being able to prove it from the Bible or scientifically, (SO THIS IS NOT A DOCTRINE but a hypothesis) - I would venture to view the soul as a part of our being that somehow represents the characteristics of both our flesh and our spirit, though it is not a physical form as is our body. Our soul bears the complete reflection our our person. I found it extremely difficult navigating the topic of the soul, so if what I have presented is vague, inconclusive, or presumptuous, please receive it as such. There are just a few points that I felt are necessary to bring forward and hopefully will be beneficial to you.
In the Scriptures, it appears that when referring to the soul, it is referring to our entire being, the whole person, and all that the person is made up of. Often the word for soul in the Hebrew and the Greek implies the tangible and the intangible. The word 'breath' is also implied similarly as when referring to the spirit. Typically, when referring to our life, we are referring to our mortal aspect, but when we refer to our soul, we are referring to our immortal being. (My knowledge of Greek and Hebrew is only what I find in the Strong's Concordance, so my knowledge in these languages is very, very limited at best).
Our soul is able to function in both the natural and the spiritual realm and through our soul we are able to bring a working harmony between these two diametrically opposite aspects of our creation, the flesh and our spirit. To me, that is totally amazing. Well actually, like David said, "We are fearfully and wonderfully made..." Now get this, our brain is able to receive the signals from our spirit and soul and translate it into the natural - isn't that just fantastic?! This is one reason why the secular often attributes what they do not not recognize as spiritual abilities, to the brain, which in itself is only grey matter (although a computer extraordinaire).
The verse of Hebrews 4:12 clearly indicates the difficulty of discerning between the soul and the spirit. Because they appear to be so similar that one can be easily mistaken for the other. This can be a problem because we can be deceived to think that we are hearing from God and are being led by the Spirit of God, when all along it is from our soul, we are following the flesh or even demon spirits.
- This has always been a curious wonder in our lives. That inner conversation that goes on in our life we currently and often affectionately called 'our INNER VOICE' (which sounds the same as our outer voice) IS THE ACTIVITY OF OUR SOUL and not just our brain. Remember our brain receives the signals of our spirit and our soul and makes them tangible and interactive with the natural man. That Inner voice is our soul itself in action. What goes on here reflects the kind of person we are inside. There we are using the mechanical abilities of our natural man (flesh and brain) and the supernatural activities of our spirit and soul functioning as a unit. Our soul is that whole and complete inner person, with all our character, thoughts, emotions, ambitions, and what not, combining the natural and the spiritual. That is us as a human being. How cool is that!?
Now our spirit's expression is very different. Our spirit expresses itself by revelation and inspiring thoughts, images, words without words. It is from their spirit that artists, writers, and musicians get their inspirations. It is through their spirit that inventors get their ideas. For all these, the challenging part is to take what they sense, hear, see, and feel, and make it happen or produce it in the world around us. I saw an interview on television (by the way, the television is a great way to get a picture of how our brain works with our soul and spirit. The television picks up the signals/waves transmitted to it and translates them into sounds and images. Our brain does the same thing.) Anyways, during an interview with Mother Theresa, they asked her if she communicates with God, and how? She answered, "Yes, without words." And they asked her if He communicates back? Again she replied. "Yes, without words." Anyone who has walked with the Lord for some time will understand this fully, although God also uses words as He sees fit "Then the Spirit said to Philip, 'Go near and join yourself to this chariot.'" Acts 8:29 NAS
Oh, but that is not all. We are all aware of the expression people use, called 'THE GUT FEELING'. I have known businessmen who say they try and follow their gut feeling in decision-making where the information available is otherwise insufficient to make a clear, wise, or safe transaction. Notice that it is not a head feeling (or from our brain), That 'feeling' inside them seems to know. That is the voice of our spirit, which sometimes knows what the current natural data cannot provide. This is also how we may occasionally know things of the future, where there is no possible way to know by natural means. (This topic can go into extreme, questionable, and unnecessary avenues, so let us end it by saying the natural and spiritual meet within us, but the all-important issue is that we heed and obey the Word of God at all times)
.WARNING!!! Just because you get a GUT FEELING or a STRONG SENSE , A VISION, A DREAM, OR HEAR A VOICE, DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE HEARING FROM GOD!!! It may very well be a deception of your own heart or from the devil.
SAFEGUARDS AGAINST PRESUMPTUOUS ENCOUNTERS - There are safeguards to help determine if we are hearing the voice of the Lord and following the HOLY SPIRIT, OR BEING LED ASTRAY BY A SOULISH IMPULSE:
1 - What does the Bible say about it?
2 - Does it match the character and nature of the Lord Jesus Christ?
3 - Does it bring glory to God, and is Jesus lifted up?
4 - Does it bear the fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT: Galatians 5:22-23 love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control?
5 - Are you able to listen to and bear with opposing counsel from others? "Who among you is wise and understanding: Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. BUT IF YOU HAVE BITTER JEALOUSLY AND SELFISH AMBITION IN YOUR HEART, DO NOT BE ARROGANT AND SO LIE AGAINST THE TRUTH. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, REASONABLE, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." James 3:13-18 The attitude of being SUPERIOR OR DESPISING others because of our supposed knowledge or revelation is a strong indicator that something is wrong.
6 - DISCONNECTED - If our "spiritual" experience does not enable us to communicate with others freely on a natural level, we must beware of the source
7 - Is the target to gratify our sensual appetites and or some other personal advantage?
We must never negate the fallen condition of man and the influence of demonic forces. Let us look at ourselves for a moment, spirit, soul, and body. Though these three units are wonderful creations with amazing abilities, but because of our fallen sinful nature, instead of building us up, they tend to easily drag each other down, similar to the way three drunks drag each other down. For instance, our spirit can be proud, our soul emotional, and our flesh sensually indulgent. Just think of the fruit of that combination. Thanks to sin, we are subject to selfishness and weaknesses. As already established, our flesh is totally corrupted Romans 7:18, and outside of Christ our spirits are dead to God John 3:6, Ephesians 2:5. Our soul, whatever it actually is, seems to be unable to escape the fate of either, and takes on the characteristics of both.The redeeming factor, which is one reason why we humans are not fallen into complete helpless depravity is that we have the ability to want to be and to do good because of the image of God in which we are created, in spite of our fallen nature. He has also given us a mind and heart that is able to understand and judge at least the very basic principles of godliness and righteousness. Furthermore, our spirit within us is drawn to Him even though we may be completely unaware of it. And finally, He has not fully abandoned us to the powers of darkness. Thanks to the Gospel, He has been reaching out to the entire world.
Because of this multi-nature characteristic of our being, we can function as natural as well as spiritual beings, and have the ability (to a restricted extent) to function in either realm. Furthermore, we are also affected by either realm and are therefore vulnerable to adverse experiences from the natural or the spiritual. A healthy balance of the natural and spiritual is so critical. Excessive or unhealthy behavior in either realm will result in corresponding behavior and problems. It appears that within our hearts and minds, our soul hopefully works to make rational judgments regarding our natural and spiritual activities. Remember, the flesh and the Spirit, are in constant conflict with each other as Christians "For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please." Galatians 5:17 From our spirit we are drawn to follow the Lord, go to church, to pray, to live a holy and godly life. On the other hand, the flesh is hell bend on being self-gratifying. Indeed there is a conflict. In this case, our heart and mind play a sort of umpire between the two, supposedly coordinating a balanced behavior with the hopes of producing a healthy functioning lifestyle. In our hearts and minds, we decide to obey the Word of God, regardless of how we feel, and direct our flesh to follow the leading of His Holy Spirit in spite of all the fears and doubts. That is faith. However it all actually works, that is what needs to happen.
THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING NATURALLY FUNCTIONAL - Although to make Heaven our home we must give careful and rational consideration to our spiritual well-being for our salvation, yet WE MUST BE ABLE TO FUNCTION IN A GODLY MANNER IN THIS NATURAL WORLD. All of God our Heavenly Father's will must be carried out in our day-to-day natural life. No matter how spiritual we think we are or think we need to be, unless we can function in a healthy manner with and in the world around us, we are missing the mark and are not walking in God's truth. For example: "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse that an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8. All the Biblical instruction and training the Lord provides for us is to learn how, as spiritual beings. to live in a natural world, and not for us as natural beings to live in a spiritual realm - that is what witchcraft and sorcery attempt to do. Jesus Christ, the Holy Son of God, in order to be the Savior of mankind, it was necessary for Him to accomplish it as the Son of man and not solely as the Son of God, even though that is Who He really is.
INORDINATE AFFECTION - A CAUTION FOR THE SOUL - One of the most noticeable snares of the human soul is what the Bible calls inordinate affection. These are excessive or misplaced affections where we cross a moral line. It can be between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, a person and an animal or whatever. This form of attachment is deceptive and can be overwhelming, yet feel so natural and even spiritual because of the similarities between the soul and the spirit. For example, two married people, a man and a woman who are married to someone else can form an attachment to each other. The draw and attachment to one another may feel so conveniently natural and at times supernatural that they can be deceived to think that it is even from God. The term people sometimes use is SOUL MATE. That is a suitable expression, because it has all the trademarks of a "beyond the physical" attraction to the deeper soulish attachment, but is LETHAL AND DESTRUCTIVE!!! No matter how natural and/or supernatural something seems, IF IT DEFIES THE WORD OF GOD, IT IS NOT OF GOD!!! It will destroy you and possibly hurt many others!!! Things of the soul may seem completely natural and even spiritual, but if they do not line up with the Word of God, they are only works of the flesh and or demonic. Please be guarded against inappropriate thoughts, touching, looking, conversation, and especially how, when, and where, you give out your AFFECTIONS ! This is a huge breeding ground for the deadly snare of sexual sin and perverse behavior!
Ephesians 5:13-18
God has provided us with all that we need to lead a healthy and victorious life while walking with Him and carrying out His will. These are spiritual tools to help us in our natural world. They are defensive and designed to help protect our inner man, our spirit and soul, and offensive against the powers of darkness that attempt to stop us and others from service of faith and love.
THE BELT OF TRUTH - The belt typically holds up that which covers what the Bible calls our 'secret parts.' So critical is the kind of person we are in secret where nobody knows and sees, but God. If our secret life is different that our public life, we are a target for the enemy, both physically and spiritually, and on a road to disaster.
THE BREAST PLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS - The breastplate covers and protects all our tender and vital organs. Our spirit and the sensitivities of our soul must be guarded by doing what is right and responsible at all times. Our activities will either shield us or make us vulnerable. Not only will activities like lying, stealing, cursing... get us in trouble directly, but they also destroy the person who we are on the inside as well. Is the man on the outside the same as the person on the inside?
OUR FEET SHOD WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE. If we are walking in the right direction, His Kingdom, His will, ("be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." 1 Peter 3:15) we will avoid many foolish pitfalls and snares of this life. Make sure the purpose of your daily life and your life's goals align with His purpose and will at all times, and keep your direction and decisions always in light of the Gospel, by which you are saved.
THE SHIELD OF FAITH - A shield protects the soldier from projectiles before they and strike his person. Our inner man, our spirit and soul is the target the enemy is trying to strike at. Many doubts, fears, and lies that bombard us in our walk can be stopped before they reach us if we use our faith (our confidence in Christ and His Word) to block them.
THE HELMET OF SALVATION - Oh how we must watch our thinking at all times! Our thoughts are the entrance to our innermost being and heart which we must keep with all diligence "for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23. It is imperative that we think like disciples of Jesus. There should be no point where we put off our thinking of faith in order to allow any contrary thoughts to become a part of our life! Filter every thought, feeling, and desire through the Gospel and the Word of God.
THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT = THE WORD OF GOD - This is a true weapon indeed against all the lies and deceits of the devil. "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make your free." John 8:32 It is not a weapon to be used against people, but against the destructive lies and ways of the evil one. We use it not only for ourselves, but for the help and deliverance of others too. How beautiful is that! Through the power of God's Holy Spirit, our entire being can make this powerful weapon effective in the world around us. PLEASE REGARD THE WORD OF GOD WITH FEAR.
PRAYER - The Word of God is not our only weapon, there is also Prayer! Prayer can strike at what is not visible, and bring about visible victories. This is another tool that our entire being can use and be actively involved in. What an exciting possibility and opportunity! Please understand, as in all these activities of faith, they must be carried out in just that - faith.
- Let us look further into these and other activities of our faith. When we begin to follow Jesus, we learn that it takes more than mechanical effort, they are spiritual activities, meaning they must come through our spirit wherein dwells His Holy Spirit. For instance, as Jesus was talking to the people in the synagogue at Capernaum he explained that His words were not just a type of intellectual discourse, but "they are spirit and they are life." John 6:63 That is where they must originate, and it is through His Spirit by which they must be carried out. Whatever is executed through the flesh or soul may sound real, but will not have the power and produce the needed results. But when we submit our whole being to His Spirit by faith, praise GOD, we get results!
What we can term as soulish, or the flesh, may appear spiritual, but will lack the power. We can apply all kinds of emotion and even Biblical jargon, which may impress people, but it will not bring people to Christ. The Holy Spirit must be doing the work, because Jesus said, "...for without Me, you can do nothing." John 15:5
TOOLS FOR BUILDING THE WHOLE MAN/WOMAN OF FAITH - One of the innumerable things about God our Heavenly Father is that He leaves nothing out. He obviously knows our makeup, and knows all that we need. Consequently, He has made all the provisions for us to function as a complete human being if we follow His instructions. Now my information will not be so complete. So make sure you are following Jesus and His Word, and not man. There are also so many excellent preachers and teachers of God's Word to help give us understanding, guidance and balance into God's Holy Word.
1- PRAYER - True, Prayer is not only a spiritual exercise, though that should be the heart of it, but will involve our heart, mind, feelings, and even our body to cooperate (spirit, soul, mind, body). That is one reason why prayer is so hard to engage in because it can be extremely difficult to get every aspect of our being to co-operate in this. Our flesh is uncomfortable, our soul and mind is distracted or bored, and our spirit languishes. But when all three are working, we can reach Heaven. I was listening to a young man testifying that he got so caught up in a prayer meeting (that he had stumbled into), that he was praying for a couple of hours, and thought it was only forty-five minutes. That is what God can do through our frail makeup. His whole being was caught up in prayer. Even his flesh co-operated!
2 - WORSHIP - Worship is what separated King David from all his predecessors. Actually, David revolutionized the designated worship of the Lord through song, any instrument, and even dance. In this type of worship our entire being, spirit, soul, and BODY are fully activated and involved. True, we can be mechanical about it as with anything else, but when we engage in wholehearted worship we can be raptured (so to speak) into the Presence of the Lord. Visions, prophesy, and miracles are so much more easily attained because we enter His presence with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, singing, and even with a joyful noise Psalm 100,150. Do you recall that Elisha called for a minstrel to play for him so he could prophesy "Now being me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him, and he said, 'Thus says the Lord...'" 2 Kings 3:15-16. I have found that many times if I do not feel like worshiping but I know that I should, if I step out in faith and put my heart into it, my entire being can quickly be engulfed in the presence of the Lord. He inhabits the praises of His people Psalm 22:3 Like Jesus said, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41. So in our heart we know that the Lord is always worthy of our praise and worship and we want to, but our flesh seems to feel it has 'better things to do', and our soul may be caught up in stress, daily pressures, cares, or is angry with someone; therefore worship can start off like treading through mud. Oh, but as we bring our body into obedience by singing and clapping, or perhaps even raising our hands in surrender worship, our soul and spirit will quickly lock together and before you know it you are captivated by the Holy Spirit of Jesus! How awesome is that!
- I wish to take this a step further. Mind you, as I said before, we can become mechanical, and then all becomes lifeless and useless, but the Bible has laid out inspired guidelines for even our worship and prayer, which if followed by wholehearted faith, will help us achieve our goal more quickly. Remember, the Lord wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Before there is unity within our entire being, there is always a struggle.
KNEELING - Kneeling, again is not a command but a model we see in the scriptures. Solomon knelt on the altar he build while presenting to the Lord his dedication prayer for the temple. Paul and those with him knelt on the beach in prayer. The flesh is often a monster in resisting our exercises of faith, but by humbling it we find ourselves less distracted, and is easier to focus on our prayer.
FASTING - "I humbled my soul with fasting..." Psalm 35:13 Fasting seems to bring the whole being into subjection more readily. Denying our flesh, and the craves of our appetites (even the justifiable ones) brings our being in open need before the Lord. Fasting does not in any way force the hand of God, but "He gives grace to the humble." James 4:6. Be warned, though, that our motives had better be right: "' Why have we fasted,' they say, ' and You do not see? Why have we afflicted our soul, an You take no notice?' Behold in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labors. Behold, you fast for strife and debate, and to strike with the fist of wickedness: you shall not fast as you do this day to make your voice to he heard on high." Isaiah 58:3-4. There is a time, though, for fasting, and may the Lord help us. Ezra, after telling the king that the Lord watches over His people who obey Him, was then afraid to ask for an escort when traveling back to Jerusalem. So he had the people humble themselves with fasting, beseeching the Lord's mercy to spare them, and He did Ezra 8:21-22. Jesus said that there will be time for fasting. "But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days." Luke 5:35. He has not returned yet.
THE LIFTING OF OUR HANDS - All through the Old Testament, the lifting of the hands, especially performed by the priests, but not just the priests, was a recognized form of worship. Our flesh responds readily to surrender in this manner, no? Even the apostle Paul admonishes men to lift up holy hands in prayer, without wrath or doubting 1 Timothy 2:8. In any of these exercises of faith, we may find it brutal on our pride, and both our flesh and soul may abhor the appearance of some of these exercises, but when exercised by, as I said wholehearted faith AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES AND MOTIVES, we have a breakthrough of joy and glory.
FELLOWSHIP - "And they, continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and FELLOWSHIP, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers." Acts 2;42. God designed us not just as physical beings, nor predominately spiritual beings, but with a soul, and therefore we are social beings. We need fellowship, community, and friendship to help us stay healthy and thriving. Just as our physical and our spirit have needs that need tending to, so does our soul. True, there can be an excess, but a healthy balance in all things is so important for all living. Godly Christian fellowship meets the whole person, where we can leave refreshed spiritually, emotionally, and not physically drained. Do not despise fellowship. It is Biblical.
BIBLE READING and STUDY - Again, Bible reading is so very critical for our spiritual growth and development. For one, it enlightens our minds, thus affecting our thoughts and decisions. Also because it is spiritual, it strengthens our spirit. Through these, our soul is refreshed and enlightened. Furthermore, it helps us to know the Lord more perfectly, and we communicate to God through it, and He with us. Please be students of the Bible.
THE HUMBLING OF OUR SOUL (the pride of life) - I read a book years ago that took place in the late 1800s in England, where the Lord prompted this dignified well known businessman to humble himself and join the Salvation Army street team one night. He was almost horrified. First of all, it was led by a little girl. She had them stop and preach to a crowd of hecklers (if I remember correctly). Them she had them get down on their knees in front of them, and pray for them. Initially he felt grievously humiliated. Oh, but God did such a wonderful liberating grace in his heart as he humbled his soul before the Lord. So let us be ready to take up our cross and follow Jesus, and nail our pride on the cross - "Dear Lord Jesus, we sure need Your help!"
NOTE - All these exercises and whatever I have not mentioned are not laws, but for our benefit and profit. There is a proper time and procedure, and the peace of God will be an umpire to help direct us. Forcing situations can bring about the very opposite effect, so be sensitive and wise, and enjoy your service to the Lord.
CONCLUSION - Our human makeup is, of course, brilliantly designed, with all practical purposes and functions so that we can carry out His will by grace in this complex world, and every part of our being can and needs to be involved and submitted to His Word and Holy Spirit where we need not constantly say, "Why are you cast down, O my soul? Why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." Psalm 43:5
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