I wrote this article with the hopes of averting those who may contemplate suicide as a possible or convenient option. If you are in the throw of it, get help immediately!

  Everything considered, it is necessary to unveil the blind side of that which is NOT often addressed, and to put tools of defense into the hands of those being victimized. Understand that what I am expressing here is not merely an opinion or religious bias, but an urgent declaration of what has been stated in the Bible concerning that which is beyond the reach of the human eye. Please, never give up! There is always help and hope in Jesus.There is absolutely no room for a "WRONG DECISION."

   After reading an article in the news which was discussing the suicide rates here in this region, I felt stirred to address the issue. In recent years I have noticed a trend among the youth wherein they seem to toy with this topic as if it is a viable option. It is promoted in so many venues that intercepting it is difficult. Therefore it is time to make a clear statement -

                                SUICIDE IS NOT AN OPTION!!!

And here is why:  

1-    God your Heavenly Father loves you so much that Jesus Christ paid not only for your sins, but for YOUR SALVATION and deliverance. He is the Help and Answer you need. Surrender your life to Him! Cry out to Him with all your heart. He will help you and SAVE YOU!!!  Many of us can attest to this personally.

2-    Our life is not our own, we belong to GOD the Creator of the Universe. HAVING THE ABILITY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A RIGHT. He has not granted us this right.

3-    Suicide is a form of murder. His Commandment is “You shall not kill (murder).” No one should ever consider taking their life anymore than contemplating killing anyone else. God has called us to live a life of faith, hope, and love. If you feel that you have none of these left, Jesus has an abundance for you. He loves you more than you can imagine.


4-    Suicide is driven by evil spirits. The thoughts, feelings, and voices you may be hearing are not yours. They are sent to destroy you. Remember, the devil tried to tempt Jesus to put God to the test by prompting Jesus to throw himself off a pinnacle of the temple.


5- . You are not only a physical being, but also a spiritual being. You have a soul that does not die.    You cannot assume that your suffering will end there, it may just begin. On the other side of death there is not only Heaven, but also a Hell from which there is NO ESCAPE EVER! Now I must be clear here. No one can say that everyone who commits suicide will go to Hell. That is God’s jurisdiction alone, but the risk is serious.


6-     Anything or anyone who promotes suicide in any way is your ENEMY, not your friend.


  If you have been tempted with thoughts of Suicide, renounce it immediately and get help!  Like the article read, "there is help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In Canada, call 1-833-456-4566." Or talk to a pastor or priest. Please reach out and do not try to face this alone.


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