
                                  (For the local Newspaper)

  When talking with my brother recently, he remarked that being born in Canada in this century is like winning the lottery. He went on to say that a century ago, if a king had a toothache, he was going to suffer. No kidding! When we consider all the provisions available, the abundance, the comforts, should we ever feel entitled? Perhaps if the Jones next door had more than us, we may feel cheated, but really! What is owed to us? Are we at all deserving of a Utopia? What about the other two thirds or three quarters of the world’s population that may be less fortunate, are we somehow more entitled? Considering the millions of people before us who have pioneered, labored, and endured untold hardships enabling us to enjoy the luxuries of today, are we more worthy than they? Indeed we have been fortunate having entered in on the works and sacrifices of others, but to assume entitlement, is that reasonable? In fact, from the perspective of those who have not been so privileged, if we consider our abundance a right and deserved, would that not be presumptuous, or even arrogant?

  What is life about anyways? A verse in a former popular song by the group Trooper says, “We are here for a good time, not a long time, so have a good time, the sun can’t shine every day.” It is easy to agree with the encouragement to make the best of our situation, but that we are here for a good time would be a hard pill to swallow in many places around the world, throughout history, and even today.

 The Bible addresses it like this, “He has shown you, O man, what is good and what the Lord does require of you; but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk HUMBLY with your God.”

  This world is not our permanent home, we are merely passing through. Life’s basic chores are really survival, production, and hopefully a healthy progress. Many have rarely been, and even now, able to move beyond the survival mode due to their extremely difficult situations and circumstances. Some of us, on the other hand, have landed in on the benefits of the second and third stages without ever having had to fight for our own survival. Should our situation be the norm? Is life on Earth always that obliging?

  If we accept the likelihood that we are CALLED, then our placing and timing is not happenstance, but deliberate. Consequently our focus changes considerably, wherein responsibility and accountability are a major part of life’s equation. We are no accident. God has placed each person in life for a purpose, with ability, and a gifting. In this He calls us to pursue Him, be dutiful, and serve one another in love - to which end we will be called to give an account. He will level everything out. Jesus said, “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh…” Truly, there is no room for entitlement or being self centered, but ample space to be thankful in a life loaded with possibilities to be a blessing in this world with all its wonders and hardships!

 God loves you so much! May you all have a most wonderful year!


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