ARE THESE THE END TIMES?

                                       (For the Local Newspaper)

    Looking ahead and standing on the edge of tomorrow, when we consider life on a global scale the anticipated outlook does not appear very promising. Economically, the growing concern is that the global economies are in a critical state. The social behaviors of people are becoming less stable and more unpredictable. International relations are also strained, even at the superpower level. Our climate is another disturbing topic. Is it just global warming? Is there a possibility that another storm is brewing that we may be overlooking?

  The concept of the End Times and the End of the World is a real issue and is addressed many times in the Bible. Let's take a brief look at some of these. Now the End Times covers topics from the Church's perspective and the Biblical World view. I will lightly touch on it from the World view. There are four basic parts: The deterioration of stability, the reign of the Anti-Christ, the Judgments of God (the days of Vengeance), and the return of The Lord Jesus Christ. 

  Before these are to take place certain events are prerequisite. The foremost is what the Bible calls the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His death, burial, and resurrection must be preached in all the world, and then shall the end come Mark 13:10. Christians for centuries have been working tirelessly to help accomplish this. Another was that Israel had to become a nation again. It has a critical role in the plan of God and in the End Times. This historic and prophetic event took place in 1948 Matthew 10:23. Up until that time the Israeli people have been scattered throughout the earth and have not been a nation for about 2700 years. Prophesies of over 2500 years were fulfilled on that day. How amazing is that!?

  It appears that there will be a precursor of turbulent events worldwide. Jesus said that there will be wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in diverse places. These turbulent events will cause a panic among the people wherein they will desperately seek for what they hope is a safe and secure solution.

  Then is the rise of 'Lawlessness One,' whom we call the 'Anti-Christ' promising peace and safety. This will be a very hard time for followers of Jesus. Just a note here, people who are pressing to have the Bible and the Christian influence removed from our land are ignorantly paving the way for the Anti-Christ. Just thought I would let you know. Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention. No one will be able to buy or sell, unless you have his name, his mark, or the number of his name on your right hand, or on your forehead. Revelation 13:16-17

  Following this are the Days of Vengeance and the judgments of God on the earth. Jesus said that they will be so severe that unless He shortened these days, no flesh would survive. But for the Elect's sake, they will be shortened. Here is when God will begin to deal with people's sinful behavior that He had overlooked during the time of the Gospel with the hopes that we would turn from our sins. Let me give you an example of what I am saying, "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (pharmakeia/drugs), nor of the fornication, nor of their thefts." Revelation 9:21

  Finally is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven with power and glory. Every eye shall see Him. It is imperative to remind you that no one knows the day or the hour. We can only know the season. Those of us who have placed our faith in Him have a hope that none others have. While we await His return, we are to conduct ourselves in faithfulness, holiness, and truth, and not let the Love of Christ grow cold in our hearts. We have what the whole world needs. So let us not lose sight of this Hope, nor of the loving care for others. The End is closer than we may think. Keep the faith!




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