SECURING YOUR DESTINY

                                               (for the local Newspaper)

  Before flying, especially into sparsely settled areas, the pilot submits a flight plan. In it he states his proposed destiny and time of return. He also indicates the altitude and airspeed, taking into consideration the wind and changing weather conditions. As much as possible he gathers all the information he can regarding the place of destination to ascertain that he is even able to land, have the proper provisions, and avoid unnecessary mishaps. With life we should be no less careful. Have you plotted out your Destiny?

   In our society there appears to be a growing confusion with regards to truth, purpose, and destiny. This can undermine two basic and critical aspects of our human nature - faith and hope. For many, life is about making it through, getting as much out of it as we can, and hoping for the best in the end. Dear friends, this is haphazard and not at all how God our Heavenly Father has designed for us to live. I am not referring to the elimination of hardships, but the clearheaded awareness of our purpose, value, and direction. Are we so caught up in today’s turbulent events that we are losing sight of the bigger picture – where we are heading to in the end? It isn’t complicated, but it does take responsibility, discernment, faith, and resolve of heart.

STEP # 3 - DETERMINE WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE - When we decide what we want in life, we gauge our activities accordingly. For instance, if you want to be a doctor, scientist, musician, then make the decisions and take the steps required to achieve your target. Mind you, most of us have attempted to pursue our goals and found out that life does not always work out as planned. Instead, you simply make the best of what you can. Survival is a priority.

STEP # 2 - DETERMINE WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT - THE JOURNEY OR THE DESTINY - This has huge impact on the kind of life you will live, and the kind of person you will become. If we chose the journey and what we can get out of it as being more important, we will tend to follow the pursuits that reflect personal advantage. You and your interests become the center of the universe. On the other hand, if the destiny is more important than the journey, you are more likely to make decisions and sacrifices in the journey that will enable you to achieve the destiny you are pursuing. For instance, if you want to leave this world a better place, then you make the sacrifices, do the work, and suffer the hardships that are necessary to achieve that goal. It is important to understand that what you make of your journey will help determine your destiny, and impact the lives of others - for good or bad. Rational consideration must be made for your journey while attempting to reach your destiny - they are obviously linked. Now in all fairness I must add that a person very well may, without believing that there is any concern after death, determine to live as noble a life as possible because that is the right thing to do. That is honorable, but he or she will still have to face the Almighty in the end, and on His terms. He does reveal the knowledge of Himself to everyone, whether they acknowledge Him or not.

STEP #1 - DETERMINE WHAT AWAITS US WHEN WE DIE - This is our most critical conclusion! Not only does our eternal destiny depend on this, but the ball is completely in our court, as far as choice goes. The Lord Alone will make the final decision whether we are worthy or not. We cannot afford to be wrong! Jesus said it like this, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" We will not make it to Heaven by accident, nor will we end up in hell undeserved. Our soul/spirit does not die. NEXT “HOW TO MAKE IT TO HEAVEN”


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