Part 2 - HOW TO MAKE IT TO HEAVEN

                                     (For the Local Newspaper)


  In the article 'Evolution Trumps Creationism for Canadians,' I realized how serious the deteriorating spiritual plight of Canada is. Don't forget, Evolution has a number of critical corresponding conclusions. Some of the most socially impacting are: human life is not sacred, morals are debatable, and whoever is in power gets to play God. Both Communism and the Nazis had embraced this theory. This being said, I will put forth Part 2 of my last article.

 Part 2 - How to make it to Heaven

  In my last article I wrote about “Securing Your Destiny.”  What I am referring to is trying to ensure that we make it to Heaven. I must clarify something first. In the article I said that the ball is entirely in our court. As far as personal intent goes, yes, but the final verdict is with God alone Who decides whether or not we are worthy. Doubtless we are such good people and have no cause for concern. We will simply waltz into eternal bliss. Well, perhaps we should establish a few facts first:

 a. we need to know who and what we are,

 b. Who God is,

 c. what Heaven is. 

 - We are not just flesh, but we are also spiritual beings created in God's image and likeness, and with a soul that does not die. 

- Next, God is the Creator of everything. He is Holy, Just, has infinite understanding, and His knowledge is perfect. We will have to stand before Him on that day and give an account to Him for the life we lived.

 - And oh yes, Heaven is His home.

 But we have all fallen into sin - or disobedience to God. Nonetheless, He has given us the Bible with the 10 Commandments which covers the complete scope of what He calls sin so we can know His standards of right and wrong, and good and evil. These sins are: worshiping other gods, making idols, blasphemy, dishonoring the Sabbath, dishonoring our parents, murder, sexual immorality, stealing, lying, greed, and all their associated activities.

  The trouble is that we have all broken these in one form or another, so how can we expect to go to Heaven when we die? We cannot erase what we have done. Furthermore, the Bible says that the wages of sin is death.... so if we die in our sins we are lost. But here is the GOOD NEWS - FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD(everyone) THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (the Lord Jesus Christ), that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ paid for our sins on the cross, and then rose from the dead in complete victory over sin, death, hell, the grave, and the devil, for us. So if we put our trust in Jesus and turn from our sins we will be forgiven, have the hope of the resurrection, and eternal life. That is how we make it to heaven! Now how AWESOME is that! Jesus loves you so much, and we cannot afford to make a wrong choice.


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