That Mysterious, Controversial Puzzle Called FAITH


                             That Mysterious, Controversial Puzzle Called FAITH

                                             (Revised for the Local Newspaper)

  Faith is the key that God gives us to connect with Him. In layman's terms, faith is the ability to believe and perceive God.

  Faith is given to us upon conception along with hope and love as part of the human package, included with all the other tools necessary for existence and survival in this life. But specifically, Faith, Hope, and Love,* are critical for us to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives, and for determining our eternal destiny. The basic expressions of faith are belief and trust. For these reasons faith is most apparent in children. Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” 

  As we run the gauntlet of life, these three* in particular are constantly bombarded by temptations, fears, doubts, distractions, hurts, and human folly of all kinds. Nevertheless, the fruits of faith, hope, and love, are what God our Heavenly Father will be inspecting, which will ultimately determine our success or failure before Him (all things justly considered). Friends, please understand, it is not so much about how well we perform, but that we hold on to Him in spite of all the struggles. Jesus did not pray that Peter would not fall, but that his faith would not fail.

 The faith that God requires is that unshakable trust in His Word and in the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith can be lost through yielding to fears, doubts, sensual indulgences, but especially unbelief = BEWARE OF WHO AND WHAT YOU LISTEN TO!

The Ground and Atmosphere FAITH thrives in is LOVE; “…faith, which works by love.” Faith is activated by believing and receiving the Word of God, specifically the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  The faith that God requires is a function of our spirit and not just a bias or consent of our reason. Therefore a child (or anyone) who may not understand the doctrines of the Bible, by believing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, is able to receive the promises since they are not at all dependent on human wisdom, understanding, or ability, but simply believing God. This is what separates true faith from all other forms of human activity. Consequently, this faith enables everyone, young or old, simple or wise, to be able to lay hold of the promises of God and receive from Him the Salvation and life that Jesus purchased for us. Belief alone does not mean God has connected with you. The sin that separates us from Him is only removed through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ His Son Who paid for our sins on the cross at Calvary. The initial evidence of your faith is that you connect with God and become a new person in Christ.  Jesus Christ removed the barrier of our sins between us and God, so now by faith in Jesus it not just a belief, but a personal relationship!

“But without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him (GOD).”
 Why is faith so important to God and critical for us? Because by faith we not only believe, but connect with, trust, and love Him Whom we cannot at this time see. That is the mystery of faith.


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