(For the local Newspaper)
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness…”
When we
speak of the Cross of Christ we are not referring to a religious symbol, but
indeed the very method by which Jesus Christ was put to death. Why would we
preach such a thing? Isn’t good moral teaching and a godly example sufficient
for religion? Indeed for any religion it may be, but not when the biggest issue
between us and God our Creator is our sin which separates us from Him. Teaching
us about worship, godly morals, good and evil, is important, but the problem is
that we have all sinned and have broken God’s laws. We lie, we cheat, we steal,
we are greedy, sexually immoral, and even if we hate our brother we are murders
in God’s eyes. So telling us how to be good, and no matter how earnest our intentions
are, does not improve our standing, nor remove our guilt, nor makes us pure
enough to live with Him as He desires. Furthermore, the Bible says that the
wages of sin is death, which is why everyone has the death sentence. All our
religious rituals and sacrifices do not and cannot remove one sin. In ourselves
we are hopeless and helpless before a Pure, Holy, and Just God, Who sees and
knows all. What we do not realize is the seriousness of our situation, nor the
depth of His love for us. “For God so loved the world (us), that He gave His
only Begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him should not perish, but have
Everlasting life.” But first, justice demanded that payment be made, blood had
to be shed, “for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”
Indeed we needed to know what God calls right and wrong,
hence the Ten Commandments, yet what we really needed was to be saved from our
sins, which is impossible for us to do. The Good News is that God did for us
that which we could not - He provided a sinless sacrifice. Jesus said that no one
was taking His life from Him. He had the power to lay it down, and He had the
power to take it up again. He willingly and lovingly became the Sacrifice Lamb
for our sins. God our Heavenly Father not only wanted for us to know His will,
but to cleanse us from our sins which could only be accomplished through the
death of His Son on that cross. Now in Christ we can be cleansed and accepted
of Him forever. This He did for all people everywhere for all time! Our
response is to believe and to turn to Him. His suffering and death on that
cross is no mere religious symbol, but the actual payment for our sins and the
promise of our salvation. Next: Why is
Jesus’ resurrection so important?
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