WHAT ABOUT OUR RESURRECTION?

                                                 (for the local newspaper)

“And this is the will of Him that sent Me(Jesus), that everyone which sees the Son, and believes on Him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:40

  In my last article 'INVESTING BEYOND THE GRAVE' I focused on the absolute importance of making Heaven our home, yet we do not want to miss the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ has also purchase our resurrection. No doubt you have heard about the rapture and some of  the controversy surrounding it, but what I am referring to specifically is the resurrection of our bodies.

 The goal to beat death has been a desire of the human race since our conception. It has been expressed in stories and tales throughout history worldwide. Even the Indiana Jones movie “The Last Crusade” capitalized on this theme - the search for the Cup of Christ, a mythical story that if anyone finds the ‘Holy Grail’ and drinks from it, will never die. 

 The truth is, we don’t want to die, and rightly so, because we were originally designed to exist as eternal beings. But the wages of sin is death, and we are all guilty! Nevertheless, Jesus' death and resurrection not only purchased the forgiveness for our sins, but just as He rose from the dead, at His return, He will raise up from the dead those who have believed in Him. We will have a new and perfect body like His resurrected body, that will never experience sickness, pain, suffering, death, and best of all, we will not be driven by our sins, which has brought all these other things about in the first place!

  One may ask, “But why will we need a new body at all if we are going to Heaven anyways?”  Well, you must understand that God designed us as physical beings, and we are not complete without our physical bodies. The Bible also says that the last enemy that Jesus will put under His feet is death. It goes on to say, “O death, where is your sting, O grave where is your victory?”

  So all those who have already died and gone to Heaven are waiting for the resurrection of their bodies, wherein the dead in Christ will rise first, and those who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we always be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians. 4:17). It will be well worth the wait. That is not all, there will be a new heavens, and a new EARTH, wherein dwells righteousness (doing what is right), and we will need our bodies for this. Now how awesome is that?!

  Until then, stay healthy and well, and treat that body properly (because it actually doesn’t belong to you), and we will meet together on that day in a far better place. Next - Why All the Commotion?


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