28-Biblical Anger Management-C Factors-15-Exaggerated or Misplaced Values.


                              15 – EXAGGERATED OR MISPLACED VALUES


      “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord:” Proverbs 11:1

      “…for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law,

          judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone…

         which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” Matthew 23:23-24

       "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a

         time to die....a time for war, and a time for peace." Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

        "Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is near." Philippians 4:5


      Whenever there is an imbalance there will be strain and control difficulty, whether in machinery or in

      human lives. In other words, whenever our lives are out of balance, we will likely have conflict with 

      people and God.


      SYMPTOMS:  Frustrated, aggravated, exasperated, bitter, resentful, angry, intolerant, impatient,

                 with things, people, self,  because or when expectations are not easily, rarely, or never attained.    

                 So you strike out when  you feel yourself or your valuables are trespassed against in some way.. 

                 You feel you have to straighten out, or perhaps even punish?. 


     STOP !!! – Examine: where do you find yourself in anger, conflict and strife. What makes you bitter,

                         resentful, angry, contentious, hateful (if you can see these)? Pride blinds us to our

                         behaviors and we often feel we are right or that there is not even a problem. Or perhaps

                         the problem or issues reside with the other party and not yourself. “If only they …”

                         Ask someone whom you know and can be honest with you. If you cannot find anyone,

                         then you know you have a problem.


              Action step – 1 – Identify your issues of contention: what do you feel proud about, or is VERY

                                            important. What will you fight for, break relationships for, hurt for? When it 

                                            cuts into or interferes with critical relationships and responsibilities, 

                                            it is out of order!

                                      2 – Surrender it to the Lord =take it to the cross. Then examine it in the

                                           light of God’s Word. Does it fall in or out of any of these categories?

                                 Exodus 20:3, Matthew 6:19-21, Matthew 10:37-39, James 4:1-4, 1 John 2:15-17,

                                  Mark 12:28-34, John 13:34, 1 Corinthian 13

                                           Whenever our lives are out of God’s order, we lose peace, and love often

                                            wanes in critical and unnoticed areas. Pride shores up our affections and

                                             reasoning, strife soon follows. When pride enters in we feel just and justified.

                                             We become blinded to the truth about ourselves and God’s point of view.

                                             The fruit of our behavior will testify against us if it does not match the fruit of

                                             God’s Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23. If you can see this you have hope!

                                        3  Idols are to be torn down and smashed, our lives to be brought to the cross,

                                              and the houses of our lives to be set in proper order. = Repent!

                                        4 – Let the Love and Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ be you primary objective

                                           in all that you love and do, and His peace and joy will return.

    5 - Keep your life, interests and values in check constantly. 1 Timothy 4:16



         6 – Let go of everything that is not of Him and begin to build on a proper foundation.


                                            STOP   - CONSIDER – TAKE ACTION





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