OUR SIGNIFICANCE?

                                                 (for the local newspaper)

 Surely most of us at some point in our lives ponder as to what our purpose and value are. Hopefully we arrive at a reasonable conclusion and attempt to live our life accordingly. This can be tricky due to the many perspectives and influences tugging at us from a multitude of directions. In one of the Star Wars episodes, the writers paint a brilliant picture of Anakin being seduced by the Dark Side. One of the lines used by the Evil Emperor was, “... you will have a life of significance.” Well, who doesn’t want that? But what is a life of significance, significant to who, and by what standard? Doubtless, even a life of significance in our own eyes can at times be questionable, it was in his case. It definitely appears that there are people who are destined to specific tasks, and there are those who are destined to places of public renown, but as for the rest of us, we just live and try to get by. Does that make us less significant? Please pardon me for quoting from another movie, but in the animated movie “Prince of Egypt,” (a superb family film by the way), look at these verses which Jethro, Moses father-in-law, sings. I could not have penned better.

A single thread in a tapestry though its colour brightly shines, can never see its purpose in the pattern of the grand design.

And the stone that sits on the very top of the mountain’s mighty face, does it think it’s more important than the stones that form the base?

So how can you see what life is worth, or where your value lies? You can never see through the eyes of man. You must look at your life, look at your life through Heaven’s eyes.”

(You gotta’ hear this entire beautiful and powerful song called “Through Heaven’s Eyes”)

 Dear friends, no matter who you are, you have a place, purpose, and significance in the eyes of God Almighty. Your Heavenly Father loves you so much and is calling you back to Himself. Jesus Christ His Son paved the way. So live your life doing whatever He gave you to do. Live it with all your heart with faith and love. In the end you won’t be disappointed, regardless of what anyone else thinks. As for significance and self worth, the Bible states this concerning everyone, “...the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.” If that does not portray a massive blueprint of our own significance and value, nothing does!


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