Over the years watching my own life and the lives of others, both saints and sinners, I have learned a critical fact, and that is the utter importance of being teachable and correctable, without which an untold amount of sorrows can spring up, and even disasters. It is so important that we remain in a state of humility Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 5:3 This should always be, regardless of how old we are.

  The call of Christ for us to take up our cross and follow Him is obviously a life long journey, no matter how long that may be. As the hymn states, “Through many dangers, toils, and SNARES...” that this walk of faith and obedience will take us, the challenge is not only to remain faithful to Jesus, but to stay on course with Him through to the end, meaning that we not only sill believe in Him, but our attitudes and behaviors coincide with one professing faith in Jesus Christ. Now that is not a self-attained achievement but the work of His unfailing and merciful grace (“Now to Him Who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy.” Jude 24). It does, however, require a deliberate submission to His word and Holy Spirit. What I want to address here are some of the safeguards He puts in place for us to follow and benefit from in the journey, which are received by a spirit of humility and an open heart. These treasures come in various packages and can be easily missed if pride and a hard heart stand in our way. Dear friends, we can avoid much sorrow, strife, and heart ache, if we allow our Loving Heavenly Father to work on us through them. A quote by D L Moody puts it most appropriately, “Faith gets the most, love works the most, but humility keeps the most.” Allow me to be frank here, none of us have attained to the perfection of Christ, even as the apostle said (Not that I have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect...” Philippians 3:12, there is always room and need for improvement, and correction! Look how the great apostle Peter had to be corrected and was humiliated in front of the gentile church by Paul as stated in Galatians 2:11-14. But notice how Peter refers to Paul later on, “And account that the longsuffering patience of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest/distort, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.” 2 Peter 3:15-16. Can you detect any bitterness or resentment toward Paul, even after he was corrected and humiliated by him? Peter’s behavior was wrong as far as the Gospel goes, but his genuine humble and tender heart was also revealed. Does our Lord Jesus see that in us?

  I am not referring to sin in our lives, or at least not necessarily so, but blind spots in our thinking, attitudes, behavior, that have not yet been conformed into the character of Christ. Typically pride and arrogance blind us to these, and when confronted and challenged we rally to the defense, even if by merely ignoring an opposition or protest against us. What makes it more dangerous is if we shore our defense with the Scriptures of the Bible. Surely they completely justify us and our "righteous position," or rather we assume so.

HOW ARE THESE BEHVIORS EXPOSED? How do we think about and treat others??? It is easy to say we love God, but that is truly revealed in our treatment of others, and not by our standards, but His. "...for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God Whom he has not seen?" 1 John 4:20 Do we have to be right? Do we insist on getting our way? 

 Our entire life in following Jesus should be governed by a constant monitoring and adjusting of our thoughts, desires, attitudes, motives, and behaviors, in order to keep in step with Jesus Christ as the Bible describes and reveals. 

- Typically we can most easily examine our character in light of the Scriptures/Bible. This includes its teachings and is summed up in the character and nature of our Wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and thoughts of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 

 This is the written Word. In itself there is no valid defense or opposition to it. In other words, regardless of what you think or feel, or anyone else says, it is right and you are wrong. If at anytime there is a thought, attitude, or behavior in our life that is in opposition to what the Scriptures say, or that is in opposition to the nature and character of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are in the wrong, and we need to surrender to Christ in that area. Easy ones to see are: unforgiveness, fits of anger, greed, addictions...but what about 'what we consider' minor weaknesses? Our exercise of faith in following the Scriptures should produce a Christ-like character and behavior and produce the fruits of the Spirit, "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23. So, no matter how fervently we use the Scriptures in our defense, but do not produce this kind of fruit in our behavior, then we are in error, "But the wisdom that is form above is first pre, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated (reasonable), full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. The frit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace." James 3:17-18 Are we in constant conflict with those around us, those in authority, our family? Do we despise others who disagree with us, or who do not conform to our ways and thinking? Is our love and kindness only dispensed to those whom we deem worthy?

- The next way is the direct guidance of the Holy SpiritHowbeit, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth...” John 16:13. The Lord, by His Spirit, will speak directly to our conscience and or mind and point out an issue in our heart, mind, life, that is not conformed to His Word. This is especially noticeable when a verse in the Bible pricks our heart as we are reading it, or someone is speaking it. That is the time to react immediately and humble ourselves in wholehearted fear and obedience. The best way to respond is to take it to the Lord in prayer if you are not feeling clear or sure of the issue. Another possible step is to go to a trusted brother, sister, or pastor, and present it openly to them for their perspective. Clearly chose someone who will be truthful with you and not flatter you. PLEASE BE CAREFUL IN ASSUMING THE WORST IN YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND INTERPRETATION OF THE SCRIPTURES AND OR WHAT YOU FEEL THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SAYING REGARDING EITHER YOURSELF OR SOMEONE ELSE. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO TAKE YOUR "REVELATION" PRESUMPTUOUSLY, OR TOO FAR!!!

The Holy Spirit is so Perfect in pinpointing and fine tuning our character, especially in things about ourselves that we cannot perceive through the Scriptures without His Divine help and guidance.

  1. - OPPOSITION -DISAGREEMENT - CONFRONTATION-  Next God uses other people to speak to us directly. This is the quickest way to expose our pride, self righteousness, and arrogance “But He gives more grace, therefore He says, ‘God resists the proud, but gives more grace to the humble.” James 4:6 "He is in the way of life that keeps instruction, but he that refuses reproof errs (goes astray)." Proverbs 11:17

  It is easy to humble ourselves when reading the Scriptures, or think we are humble before God, but when our ways, attitudes, actions, cross the path of someone else who may not be so impressed, how do we respond? Oh, and to be certain, when God is dealing with us, He will try our hearts if there is something that needs to be exposed. God does not always send someone that you trust, respect, like, or even regard!!! Look at the religious leaders of Israel. Jesus did come as the Messiah that they expected, or behave in a manor that didn’t offend them? In their blind, self righteous eyes, they felt Jesus was a heretic because His teachings didn’t conform to there understanding of the Scriptures. Did they not severely miss their Promise from God??? Still, there were those like Nicodemus who, in spite of Jesus UNORTHODOX ways, recognize that God was speaking to them, and were able to humble themselves before Him and receive His Word and ministry, even though it was not clear to them at the time.

  What I am trying to say, dear friends, is that if someone questions you, challenges you, rebukes and or corrects you, "COMPLAINS ABOUT YOU, especially if it is more than one person saying the same things, maybe you had better humble yourself before God Almighty and be sure it is not something you should consider or regard, and need to do something about it. The expression “Consider the source” is very valid if the source isn’t someone you consider qualified, yet if he or she is  saying something true, especially if others have said it, and especially if it does not contradict the Scriptures, you had better be careful, or you may be missing what God our Heavenly Father is trying to do in your life! A PERSON WHO IS NOT TEACHABLE, CORRECTABLE, AND WHO CANNOT ADMIT BEING WRONG, IS A DANGER, even if not to anyone else, most certainly to themself.


 Beware of overcorrecting and making presumptuous changes. Remember, the devil wants to divert you from whole hearted devotion to Christ, diligence in leadership responsibilities, parenting, or whatever other godly duties you may be engaged in; however, you still may very well need adjusting in any of those areas or personal areas that affect your walk and responsibilities, and pride will keep you from seeing let alone yielding to the correction needed. 

 We all have blind sides. Because you can't see the your back without some kind of help, be assured that you cannot see, let alone make all the adjustments and changes yourself that you need in your life. Without controversy, the only perfect changes and help come from the Lord and not our own abilities, or the abilities of anyone else for that matter. But be very clear, the Lord may very well be using others to help you make that change, even though they themselves may be unwittingly aware of it. In fact, they might not even like you, and you may even see faults in their reasoning or approach (which is a real test of your humility). Still, not everyone who opposes or disagrees with you is your actual enemy. The real enemy may very well be what they are opposing in you.

 What do we do when turmoil against us confronts us? Stay steady on the course you know before God that is right, carefully and prayerfully consider in light of the Scriptures what is being presented or challenged, be humble and ready to make or yield to the changes if that is what God is requiring. If it is of Christ, it will bear the corresponding fruit of faith, truth,  holiness, and life. Some of the changes God will have to make without any effort from you, other than your willingness to submit to Him without restraint.

 CONCLUSION - There are always things that you will not be able to see or do yourself, but if you are willing and tender before your Heavenly Father, He will wonderfully and lovingly do it for you. So be patient, humble, and serve Him in love with all your heart. He loves you so much. Please, be always ready to make or yield to Christ-like changes in your life as best you can, and do not champion for the survival of self.



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