
Showing posts from December, 2017


                          SUICIDE IS NOT A RIGHT, OPTION, NOR ANSWER!!!  If you have ever been tempted with the thought of Suicide, if you have ever regarded the total self-devaluation of your person as in any way valid, if you have ever deemed your situation or life as hopeless, or considered your extreme pain and pending fears unbearable, please consider these facts that you may survive this LETHAL ATTACK AGAINST YOUR PERSON - YOU ARE UNIMAGINABLY IMPORTANT, VALUABLE, AND BEAUTIFUL - YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD!!! SUICIDE IS A LIE!!!! 1 – You belong to GOD, and not yourself! – That life is not yours to take. “Behold, all souls are MINE(the LORD’S). Ezekiel 18:4 – Ability does not constitute license! Please be careful who and what you listen to! 2 – Suicide is a form of Murder! – “Thou shalt not KILL!” Exodus 20:13 3 ...

The Forest of Depression

                                                  THE FOREST OF DEPRESSION  INDEX: - BEING LOST IN A FOREST - CHARACTERISTICS OF DEPRESSION - DEPRESSION/BEING LOST - DANGERS TO AVOID - HAVE YOU BEEN HURT? - THINGS TO DO AND NOT DO - CONCLUSION Depression can be the by-product of many different sources, and often a combination, including physical issues. This perspective just touches a few.        BEING LOST IN A FOREST Have you ever experienced being lost in a forest? You may have wandered off the path, tried breaking a new trail, find a shortcut, or were in pursuit of game. You may have been separated from the main group, or you may have disregarded instruction. These are some things you might have experienced: ...

GOD - A Jealous God?!

                               GOD - A JEALOUS GOD?   “ F or you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, Whose name is JEALOUS, is a jealous God.” Exodus 34:14   This statement from God in the Scriptures of the Bible is a stumbling block to some3. Many regard jealousy as petty and childish. It is imperative to bring forward some facts in order to cast a little light on our often dark understanding and perspectives: 1-All our emotions have a valid place and function in our lives (we being created in the image and likeness of God), but unlike God Himself, all our ‘assets’ have been tainted and corrupted by our selfish and fallen nature. Valid jealousy is a Sentinel against, a warning concerning, or a reaction to a breach or loss, a possible breach or loss ( Numbers 5:12-31 ), or a potential breach...