
Showing posts from August, 2020


                                                THE PASTOR/ SHEPHERD   The Title of 'Pastor' over time has taken on many shapes and roles throughout the decades (or centuries) which has brought some confusion, assumptions, and much pressure coming from all sides, especially for the person who takes on this position. What I would like to address in this topic for those who feel the call of God to enter into the pastoral ministry, is to keep this in mind, the beautiful aspect of shepherding. This amazing call of God for servant-hood and leadership has wonderful value not only in the Kingdom of God, but even unmeasured value for its social impact. The following information is a type of textbook writ, but like parenting, all the books cannot really prepare you for what is ahead, we need Jesus for that.   INDEX:  - THE...


                            STABILITY DURING UNSTABLE TIMES                                         (For the local Newspaper)    During this global pandemic crisis the entire world is undergoing changes and is confronted with challenges on an unprecedented level resulting in growing doubts, suspicions, and fears. When fear and insecurity arises we humans can give ourselves over to extreme and unhealthy behavior. God our Heavenly Father is keenly aware of our frail nature, and in the Scriptures He tells us over and over, “Fear not”, “Be not afraid”, “Peace” and untold other similar encouragements. Jesus (Who is the Prince of Peace) said, “In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”   Now that is su...


                      THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT SUBJECTIVE                                        (For the local Newspaper)     With the changing times, it is still imperative that we understand that   certain things do not change. Typically, we sometimes easily assume that because changes are implemented socially in order to re-adapt or integrate different thinking, understanding, perspectives by embracing certain beliefs, values, and behaviour, that the former can be disregarded, nullified, or ignored. Such thinking can be dangerously presumptuous. Again, just as the universe has fixed physical laws which cannot be tampered with without consequences, so are the timeless moral laws of God ...


                                  THE NEEDED BREAKTHROUGH   “Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You shall make me to know wisdom.” Psalm 51:6       Many years ago, nearing the end of the Charismatic Revival, during one service the pastor asked the people of the congregation what they were believing God for. The people began to testify confessing various requests they had, like healings for themselves or someone else, salvation for loved ones, and so on. There was an air of excitement and faith in the congregation. Just then a brother stood up to testify, one who never did, and he was in tears. He went on to say that the Lord had just spoke to him, almost as if in a rebuke with these words, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these th...


                                          THE WEDDING INVITATION                                           (For the local Newspaper)   Imagine that you received a personal invitation to a royal wedding, all expenses paid, everything covered. How would you regard that invitation? What kind of preparations would you make? What kind of arrangements would you need in order not to miss such a momentous event? Would you care? Would you have better things to do? Are you unimpressed? Jesus left us a parable regarding this very thing, and it would seem that life and people haven’t chang...